Lubuskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne

Forum Lubuskiego Towarzystwa Genealogicznego

#1 2014-01-10 21:24:21



Skąd: Smolno Wielkie
Zarejestrowany: 2013-12-20
Posty: 335
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Lista polskich żołnierzy z wrzesnia 1939 roku.

Prezentuje listę polskich żołnierzy, którzy zginęli w walkach z Armia Czerwoną we wrześniu 1939 roku. Spis jest po angielsku, ale myślę, że nie powinno to być dużym utrudnieniem.

List # 1: Soldiers who were killed during battles with the invading Soviet Red Army (or shortly thereafter). Rank and unit appear, in Polish, after the name.

Albo, Boleslaw - st. bosm., zca kapelmistrza orkiestry (assistant conductor of the orchestra) Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province of Polesie.

Alisiewicz, Piotr - ppor. rez. piech, komp. szturm., grupa pplka Zygmunta Blumskiego, OZ 19. Wilenskiej DP (second lieutenant reserve infantry, assault company, lt. col. Zygmunt Blumski's group, OZ 19th Wilno Infantry Division) killed in action 21/IX/39 in Grodno.

Andrzejewski, Stanislaw - ppor. 25. P.U., killed in action 27/IX/39 in Koniow (Koniuch), county Dobromil, province Lwow.

Andrzejowski, Jan II - kpt. geogr., born 8/II/1896, WIG, killed in action 19/IX/39 in Nadworna, province Stanislawow.

Antczak, Zygmunt - kpr., killed in action probably on the 19th of September, 1939 in Sokolniki, county Podhajce, province Tarnopol.

Bagdach, Stefan - wachm., szef 1. szw. 9. P. Strz. Konnych (Sergeant major cavalry, commander 1st squadron 9th Regiment mounted rifles), killed in action in the village of Grabow near the town of Niesuchojeze, buried in the town of Serechowicze, county Kowel, province Wolyn.

Balcerzak, Jozef - mjr. piech., dca baonu marszowego 76. Lidzkiego PP z Grodna, following his escape from a POW camp in Radom, he tried to make his way across the river Bug. Shot sometime after 10/X/39 in the area of Wlodawa.

Balut, ... - strz., killed in action 17/IX/39 in the town of Kowalowka, county Wolozyn, province Nowogrod.

Bartosik, ... - baon KOP "Skalat", killed in action 17/IX/39, together with 3 other soldiers, in the town of Podwoloczyska, county Skalat, province Tarnopol.

Bartoszewicz, Boleslaw Longin - ppor. art., born 10/XI/1913, oficer ogniowy 4. baterii 9. dak (firing officer 4th battery, 9th company light artillery), killed in action 2/X/39 in the town of Cisna at the Hungarian border, county Lesko, province Lwow (presently woj. Krosnienskie).

Barylski, Marcin - born 1913, 51. PP (51st Infantry Regiment) Strzelcow Kresowych, killed in action in September 1939 in the area of Brzezany-Tarnopol-Zloczow, province Tarnopol.

Barylski, Tadeusz - 51. or 54 PP Strzelcow Kresowych, killed in action in September 1939 in the area of Brzezany-Tarnopol-Zloczow, province Tarnopol.

Basinski, Czeslaw - kpt. mar., born 2/VII/1900, oficer oswiatowy (education officer) Flotylli Pinskiej, shot approximately 20/IX/39 together with 2 other unknown mariners in the forest near the village Odgemer (4 km from the Snitowo station on the Drohiczyn-Janow-Poleski line), county Drohiczyn Poleski, province Polesie.

Bak, Franciszek, - born 23/IX/1900, killed in action in September of 1939, buried in the town of Kamionka Strumilowa, province Tarnopol.

Bentkowski, Jozef, - sierz., died of his wounds in late 1939 or early 1940 at the hospital in Dubno, province Wolyn.

Blumke, Eryk - ulan, 2. szw., 2. P. Ul. Grochowskich (lancer, 2nd squadron, 2nd Lancer Regiment "Grochowskich"), killed in action 19/IX/39 in the town of Swislocz, county Wolkowysk, province Bialystok.

Blocki, ... - sierz., Zgrupowanie KOP gen. Ruckemanna, shot 28/IX/39 in the vicinity of the town of Szack, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Bochenek, Stanislaw - st. wachm., born 1898, 4. dyonu zandarmerii, shot during the second half of September 1939 in the vicinity of Kowel, province Wolyn.

Boczkowski, Stanislaw - strz., killed in action 23/IX/39 during the Soviet aerial bombardment of the town of Nujno, county Kamien Koszyrski, province Polesie. He was buried in Nujno.

Bogucki, Eugeniusz - kpt. piech., born 19/I/1903, oficer informacyjny 3. DP Leg., killed in action 8/X/39 (possibly 10/X/39) in the town of Roztoka, county Stryj, province Stanislawow while attempting to cross the border. He was buried in either Roztoka or Solinica, county Stryj.

Bohmer (Bemehr?), ... - chor., Brygada KOP "Polesie", shot 29/IX/39 in the forest near the town of Mielniki, township Pulmo, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Bolbot(t), Jan - ppor. rez. piech., dca. II plut. w 4. komp. ckm. baonu fortecznego KOP "Sarny", killed in action at the fort in the "Tynne" sector by the river Slucz, county Sarny, province Wolyn.

Borowczyk, Jan - kpt. piech.,born 13/I/1898, adiutant baonu KOP "Dawidgrodek", shot 29/IX/39 in the forest near the town of Mielniki, township Pulmo, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Borowski, ... - sierz. zaw. near Wytyczno.

Broda, Jan Stanislaw - kpt. piech. st. sp., (captain infantry, retired) born 18/X/1887, dca. 2. komp. baonu sztabowego Naczelnego Dowodztwa, killed in action 17/IX/39 in the town of Mszaniec, where he was buried, county Tarnopol (or the town of Mszaniec, county Kopyczynce), province Tarnopol.

Brzostowski, Lucjan - ppor. pil., born 3/VI/1917, 1. P. Lotn., killed in action 17/IX/39 in the town of Halewo, township Pinkowicze, county Pinsk, province Polesie. He lies buried either at the Pinsk cemetery or in the war cemetery in Brzesc-nad-Bugiem.

Budrzenowski, Henryk - student volunteer killed in action 20/IX/39 in Grodno.

Budzanowski, Janusz - student volunteer, 16 years of age, killed in action 20/IX/39 in Grodno.

Budzik, ... - of the 3. P. Szw., killed in action 18 or 19/IX/39 in the town of Swislocz, county Wolkowysk, province Bialystok.

Budzinski, Jan II - kpt. piech., born 15/XII/1894, missing in action as of 19/IX/39 on the road from Wilno to the town of Zawiasy by the Lithuanian border, county Wilno-Troki, province Wilno.

Budzynski, Waclaw - rtm. rez., born 12/XII/1891, journalist, member of parliament, murdered in 1939 by the NKWD in Baranowicze, province Nowogrodek.

Burgel, Edward - killed in action in September 1939 in the town of Brzezany, province Tarnopol.

Bury, Adam - born 1919, 80. PP Slonim, died of his wounds 30/X/39 in the town of Kamien Koszyrski, province Polesie.

Burza, ... - strz., 8. PP Leg., killed in action 17?/IX/39 during the defence of the Dniestr river crossing in Halicz, province Stanislawow.

Butkowski, Bronislaw - ppor., born 1912, 76. or 77. PP, killed in action during the second half of September 1939. Buried in the town of Lida, province Nowogrodek.

Byra, Stanislaw - strz., 8 PP Leg., killed in action while defending the Dniestr river crossing in Halicz, province Stanislawow.

Car, Boleslaw - pplk. uzbr. inz., born 20/VII/1890, died of his wounds 19/IX/39 at the hospital in the town of Nadworna, province Stanislawow.

Ceglinski, ... - strz., celowniczy ckm, near Wytyczno.

Chabalowski, Boleslaw - st. bosm., kierownik maszyn monitora Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad Bugiem, province Polesie.

Chmiel, Wladyslaw - killed in action September 1939 in the town of Brzezany, where he was buried, province Tarnopol.

Chruszcz, Jan - killed in action September 1939 in the town of Brzezany, province Tarnopol.

Chrzanowski, Tadeusz - ppor. kaw., dca. plut. w 1 szw. 26. P. Ul. (2nd. lt. cavalry, platoon commander in the 1st squadron 26th Lancer Regiment), missing in action as of 30/IX/39 during the cavalry charges through the village of Bobrka on the San river, province Lwow (possibly Boberka, county Turka, province Lwow).

Cieszkowski, Jan - ppor. piech., baon KOP "Sejny", killed in action 22/IX/39 near the town of Sopockinie, county Grodno, province Bialystok. (Possibly identical to por. piech. Jan Trzeszczkowski).

Cynar, Franciszek - por. piech., dca I plut. 9. komp. 3 PP KOP, killed in action 22/IX/39 in the vicinity of Borowicze - Nawoz on the Styr river, county Luck, province Wolyn.

Cyraniak, ... - oficer, killed in action 22/IX/39, buried in the town of Kamionka Strumilowa, province Tarnopol.

Czarniecki, Jozef, - strz., 135 PP rez., killed in action 24/IX/39 in the town of Grodek, county Kowel, province Wolyn. Buried together with some one hundred other soldiers in a common grave near the Grodek cemetery.

Czarnocki, Jozef - szer. w skladzie personelu obslugi 221. eskadry bombowej, killed in action 17/IX/39 in the crash of the plane "Los." He is buried in the war cemetery in Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Czernielewski, Stanislaw Piotr - ppor. rez. art., born 14/I/1901, ofic. ogniowy 134. bat. art. plot., killed in action 17/IX/39 in the town of Wisniowec Nowy, county Krzemieniec, province Wolyn.

Cwiertniak, Jozef Stefan - plk. piech., born 7/IX/1896, pokojowy dca. 13. Rowienskiej DP (peacetime commander of the 13th "Rowienskiej" Infantry Division), committed suicide 17/IX/39 in Rowno, province Wolyn.

Daca, ... - ppor., killed in action 18/IX/39 on the Berducha farm (southeast of the town of Tynne), county Sarny, province Wolyn.

Danecki, Bohdan Antoni, - kpt. piech., born 10/I/1901, oficer sztabu Brygady KOP "Polesie", shot 29/IX/39 in the forest near the town of Mielniki, township Pulmo, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Doroszkiewicz, ... podofic. szw. marsz. 1. P. Ul. Krechowieckich, Kawaleria oslonowa GO "Wolkowysk" rtm. Wiszowatego, killed in action 21/IX/39 in Grodno.

Dabrowski, Jozef VIII - kpt., born 22/I/1900, oficer intendentury W.S.W., dca taboru ciezkiego GO "Wolkowysk", killed in action 20/IX/39 in the vicinity of Skidel-Jeziory. He was buried in the garden by the Skidel pharmacy, county Grodno, province Bialystok.

Dabrowski, ... - por. sl. st., dca komp. strzel. baonu marszowego 76. Lidzkiego PP based in Grodno, killed in action 19 or 20/IX/39 in the town of Znosicze, county Sarny, province Wolyn.

Dabrowski, Zygmunt Kazimierz -, born 12/III/1909, zca dcy plutonu pionierow 135. PP Rez., shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Dambrowski, Jerzy III - pplk. kaw., born 29/IV/1889, dca 110. P. Ul. Rez., shot 16 or 17/XII/40 in Minsk Bialorus. In prison, an eye had been poked out and his ribs broken. (Another version of his fate states that he was murdered by the NKWD following the German invasion in 1941 while he lay in the Minsk Bialorus hospital).

Deczer, Gabriel - bosm., solista-bas orkiestry Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Deja, Jan - strz., komp. wart. garizonu Wilno, died of his wounds in September 1939 at the hospital in Wilno. Buried in the cemetery at Rossa.

Deligowski, Wlodzimierz - mjr. rez., murdered in October 1939 in the town of Postawy, province Wilno.

Dobrzanski, Stanislaw - por. kaw., born 19/II/1909, dca 3. szw. 101 P. Ul. Rez., killed in action 22/IX/39 near the town of Kodziowce, county Augustow, province Bialystok (the cemetery closest to the town of Sylwanowce). Posthumously advanced to the rank of rotmistrz.

Dowgiallo, Karol Dominik Marian - mjr. rez. kaw., born 26/I/1896, arrested in the morning 17/IX/39 by Soviet soldiers at the frontier estate Nowomalin, county Zdolbunow, province Wolyn, after which all trace of him disappeared. (*Update: according to the book "Ukrainski Slad Katynia," mjr. Dowgiallo was murdered at Kiev, which was the site of one of the Katyn killing grounds.)

Dolega-Mostowicz, Tadeusz - kpr. rez. literat, killed in action 20/IX/39 in the town of Kuty near Czeremosza, county Kosow Huculski, province Stanislawow. After the war his body was exhumed and reburied at the powazki cemetery in Warsaw.

Dowoyno-Sollohub, Stanislaw - gen. bryg. st. sp., born 9/VI/1885, dca 12. DP, shot during the third week of September 1939 in front of his own home near Kobryn, province Polesie.

Drzazga, Jan - strz. KOP, died 25/IX/39 in the town of Rejmont, county Kamien Koszyrski, province Polesie, buried in the cemetery by the Orthodox church.

Drzazgowski, Stefan - ppor., 1. PP Leg., killed in action in September 1939 near Kowel, province Wolyn.

Dudzinski, Felix - killed in action in September 1939, buried between the towns of Sapiezanka and Kamionka Strumilowa, province Tarnopol.

Dworniak, ... - podofic., baon KOP "Ludwikowo", Brygada KOP "Polesie", killed in action 28/IX/39 near Szack, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Dyzma, Piotr - plut. pchor. rez., szw. marsz. 2. P. Ul. Grochowskich (Kawaleria Oslonowa GO "Wolkowysk" rtm. Wiszowatego), killed in action on about 22/IX/39 at the Zielonka estate near Sopockin, county Augustow, province Bialystok.

Dzakiewicz, Mieczyslaw Marian - por. kaw., born 21/IX/1912, szw. marsz. 5. P. Strz. Konnych rtm. Wlodzimierza Cucjewa, killed in action 18 or 19/IX/39 in the vicinity of Dunajow near Brzezan, province Tarnopol.

Dzierzanowski, Kazimierz - gen. dyw. st. sp., ur. 24/X/1872, shot in 1939 at Lwow.

Ekiert, Roman - szer., elew Szkoly Podoficerow Lotnictwa dla Maloletnich w Krosnie, killed in action 22/IX/39 during the bombardment of Grodek Jagiellonski, province Lwow.

Fabrycy, Jerzy - por. kaw., born 7/X/1914, dca. I. plut. 1 szw. and from 10/IX/39 dca. 3. szw. 7. P. Ul. Lubelskich, killed in action 29/IX/39 in the vicinity of Sambor, province Lwow.

Fedder, Aleksander - strz., komp. forteczna "Tyszyca", baon. fort. KOP "Sarny", pulk KOP "Sarny", murdered 20/IX/39 together with some 40 other soldiers in a barricaded bunker on the river Slucz, in the area of Tyszyca, county Sarny, province Wolyn.

Ferencowicz, Jozef Bohdan - pplk. piech., born 9/X/1890, szef PW and WF KOP, shot 29/IX/39 in the forest by the town of Mielniki, township Pulmo, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Fuch, ... - por. Zgrupowanie KOP gen. Ruckemanna, shot 28/IX/39 in the vicinity of Szack, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Gabryluk, Wladyslaw - killed in action in September 1939, buried in the town of Brzezany, province Tarnopol.

Gajewski, Miroslaw - por. rez. kaw., born 7/VII/1899, dca 5. szw. w dyonie spieszonym mjra. st. sp. Michala Nowickiego, OZ Wilenskiej BK, killed in action 20/IX/39 in the town of Swieciany, province Wilno.

Galecki, Witold - kpt. art., born 2/II/1894, oficer sztabu dcy AD 23. Slaskiej DP, murdered by Ukrainian partisans, 22/IX/39 at Rawa Ruska, province Lwow.

Gamona, Wladyslaw - killed in action in September 1939 in the town of Brzezany, province Tarnopol.

Garbiec, Teodor - killed in action in September 1939 in Brzezany, where he was buried, province Tarnopol.

Garncarczyk (Garncarzyk?), ... - strz. baonu KOP "Kopyczynce", pulk KOP "Podole", killed in action 17/IX/39 together with 42 unknown soldiers in the area of Buczacz and Nizniow, province Tarnopol.

Gawienkowski, Henryk - kpr. mech., podoficer Szkoly Podoficerow Lotnictwa dla Maloletnich w Krosnie. Killed in action 17/IX/39 near Luniniec, province Polesie.

Gasiorowski (Gasowski?), Stanislaw - policjant, born 15/XI/1915, killed in action in September 1939 in the town of Brzezany, where he was buried, province Tarnopol.

Gellen, Edward - por., killed in action 19/IX/39 in the town of Niegowce, buried in the town of Tomaszowce, county Kalusz, province Stanislawow.

Gedzierski, Zbigniew Walery - ppor. kaw., dca II plut. 1. szw. 25 P. Ul. Wielkopolskich oraz oficer informacyjny pulku, murdered by Ukrainians 29/IX/39 near Sambor, province Lwow.

Gladysz, Michal - killed in action in September 1939, buried in the area of Brzezany-Tarnopol-Zloczow, province Tarnopol.

Glazek, Waclaw - pplk. st. sp. Korp. Kontr., inz., born 26/IX/1886, dyrektor DOKP w Wilnie, arrested on or about 25/IX/39, murdered in late 1939 or early 1940 in Wilno, where he was buried.

Gniewek, Eugeniusz - oficer (52. PP Strzelcow Kresowych?), killed in action in September 1939 in the town of Brzezany, where he was buried, province Tarnopol.

Goliasz, Karol - plut. 1. PP KOP "Karpaty", killed in action between 18-20/IX/39 in the town of Brzezany, province Tarnopol.

Goly, Kazimierz - podofic., killed in action in September 1939 in Kowel, province Wolyn.

Gorczak, Stefan - st. sierz., killed in action in September 1939 near Wilno.

Grocholski-Syrokomla, Kazimierz Marceli - rtm. rez., born 26/IV/1890, murdered in 1939 by the NKWD.

Grzybowski, Czeslaw - pplk. uzbr., inz., born 13/05/1890, killed in action on or about 17/IX/39 in the vicinity of the town of Trembowla, province Tarnopol.

Gumkowski, Jan - por. obs., born 23/IV/1914, obserwator 212. eksadry bombowej, a nastepnie dca czesci rzutu kolowego tej eksadry. Heavily wounded 18 or 19/IX/39 near Dubno. Died of his wounds 16/X/39 at the hospital in Dubno, buried in the cemetery there, province Wolyn.

Guzik, Wladyslaw (?) - szeregowy-rezervista KOP, killed in action at the KOP Berezanka outpost near Skala Podolska, county Borszczow, province Tarnopol.

Guzowski, Hieronim - ppor. rez art., born 30/X/1901, OZ Art. Konnej Nr. 1, killed in action 18/IX/39 in the town of Mielce on the Turia River, county Kowel, province Wolyn.

Hamulecki, S. - plut., 76 Lidzkiego PP z Grodna, killed in action 21/IX/39 near the Poniemun estate mansion near Grodno, province Bialystok.

Harzela, Roman - strz., I baon "Luzki" 3. PP KOP, killed in action 22/IX/39 in the area of Borowicze - Nawoz - Hruziatyn on the Stryj river, county Luck, province Wolyn.

Hirzekarn, Gustaw - strz., shot 22/IX/39 in Kowel, province Wolyn.

Hofman, Henryk - ppor. rez., killed in action during the second week of September 1939 in the wood near the bridge on the road from Kowel to Sarny, province Wolyn.

Hornberger, Jozef - major, dca ochotniczego baonu ON przy 40. Lwowskim PP, killed in Lwow 22/IX/39. His battalion was defending the barricades against an attack by Soviet tanks late in the evening of the 20th of September 1939.

Horos, Feliks - wchm.-szef szw. marsz. 2. P. Ul. Grochowskich (Kawaleria Oslonowa GO "Wolkowysk" rtm. Wiszowatego), killed in action 20/IX/39 near the town of Skidel, county Grodno, province Bialystok.

Iwaszczynski, Anatol - scout-volunteer, killed in action 20 or 21/IX/39 in Grodno, province Bialystok.

Jacek, Rudolf - strz., z I baonu "Luzki" 3. PP KOP, killed in action 22/IX/39 in the area of Borowicze-Nawoz-Hruziatyn on the river Styr, county Luck, province Wolyn.

Jacyna, Tadeusz - kpt. sap., born 3/IX/1904, dca plutonu pionierow 135. PP Rez., wounded 24/IX/39 in the town of Grodek, county Kowel, province Wolyn, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Jagodzinski, Feliks - born 1916, z baonu KOP "Troki", killed in action 18/IX/39 in Wilno.

Jakubowski, Michal - st. ul. z 2. szw. 2. P. Ul. Grochowskich perished 19.IX/39 during the battle in the town of Swislocz, county Wolkowysk, province Bialystok.

Janowski, Edward - mat., z Flotylli Pinskiej, killed in action 20 or 21/IX/39 in the town of Ratno, county Kowel, province Wolyn.

Janusz, Mieczyslaw - rtm. rez., born 23/II/1901, dca szwadronu z OZ Wilenskiej BK, taken prisoner 21/IX/39 in the town of Niemenczyn, county Wilno-Troki, province Wilno, shot by the NKWD in Wilno towards the end of September 1939.

Jasik, Wladyslaw - kpt. art., born 1/VI/1900, dca kanonierki "Zuchwala" Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Jasinski, Tadeusz - student, 13 years old, died of his wounds 21/IX/39, in Grodno. (He was strapped to the armour plate of a Soviet tank for use as a "shield" against incoming shells.)

Jedrzejewski, Wladyslaw - gen. dyw., st.sp., born 1863, died in prison in Lwow, March 1940.

Jodkowski, Edmund - kpt. mar., born 3/XII/1899, dca monitora "Wilno" Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Jurkiewicz, Ignacy - strz., born 1908, died of his wounds 22/IX/39 at the hospital in Wolkowysk, province Bialystok.

Jurus, Eugeniusz Sylwester - pplk. piech., born 1897, dca I baonu "Budslaw" 207. PP Rez., died of his wounds 22/IX/39 in the town of Borowicze on the river Styr, county Luck (another source lists him as a POW at Starobielsk).

Kaik, Jan - born 7/V/1902, killed in action in September 1939 in the town of Brody, province Tarnopol.

Kalinowski, ... - ppor. rez., dca I plut. 3. komp. baonu KOP "Orany", pulk KOP "Wilno", killed in action 21/IX/39 in the town of Orany, county Wilno-Troki, province Wilno.

Kamionka, Iwan - strz., born 6/VII(VI?)/1911, killed in action September 1939 in the town of Brzezany, where he was buried, province Tarnopol.

Karolak, ... - 5. PP. Leg., killed in action September 1939 in Wilno.

Karpiak, Jozef - szer. elew Szkoly Podoficerskiej Lotnictwa dla maloletnich w Krosnie, killed in action 22/IX/1939 during the bombardment of "Grodka Jagiellonskiego", province Lwow.

Kasprzyk, Jerzy - por. kaw., born 28/VII/1907, dca I plut. 1. Szw. w dywizjonie kawalerii KOP "Niewirkow", killed in action 27/IX/39 in the town of Domaczewo, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Kierkus, Jan - kpt. mar., ur. 21.X/1900, dca monitora ORP "Pinsk" Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Kisiel-Zahoranski, Arkadiusz - kpt. mar., born 19/III/1893, dca pododcinka "Sytnica", Odcinka Obrony "Prypec" Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Klonowski, ... - ppor., baon KOP "Sejny", killed in action 22/IX/39 near the town of Sopockinie, county Augustow, province Bialystok.

Komorowski, Tadeusz Boleslaw - kpt. piech., born 17/II/1896, 25. PP (Piotrkow Tryb.), perished in the area of Luck, province Wolyn, in October 1939.

Komutek, Rudolf - KOP, killed in action 17/IX/39 in the town of Proszkowo, county Glebokie, province Wilno.

Kopczynski, Kazimierz - killed in action in September 1939 in the town of Brzezany, where he was buried, province Tarnopol.

Kotarski, Wladyslaw - pplk. kaw.. born 29/IX/1895, zca dcy 19. P. Ul. Wolynskich, shot by the NKWD in 1939/40 in Lwow.

Kowalczyk, ... - st. mar., z Flotylli Pinskiej, killed in action 25/IX/39 in the town of Maloryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Kowaleszczyk, Piotr - born 22/I/1908, shot 22/IX/39 in Kowel, province Wolyn.

Kowalczyk, Antoni - ulan, born 1913, died of his wounds 14/X/39 at the hospital in Wolkowysk, province Wolyn.

Kowalski, ... - ulan, 5. P. Ul. Zaslawskich, killed in action 22/IX/39 in the town of Poworski, county Kowel, province Wolyn.

Kozlowski, Romuald II - pplk. piech., born 28/IX/1895, dca I baonu "Luzki" 3. PP KOP, wounded 22/IX/39 in the area of Borowicze-Nawoz-Hruziatyn on the river Styr, died of his wounds at the hospital in Kowel, province Wolyn, in September 1939.

Krakowski, Bronislaw - kpt. piech., dca baonu KOP "Borszczow", pulk KOP "Podole", mortally wounded 17/IX/39 during a rearguard action between Zbrucz and the Dniestr, died of his wounds on Rumanian soil, in September 1939.

Krieger, Jozef Ludwik Janusz Boleslaw - por. rez. kaw., born 19/XI/1891, dca I plut. szw. marszowego 10. P. Ul. Litewskich (Kawaleria Oslonowa GO "Wolkowysk" rtm. Wiszowatego), killed in action 20/IX/39 at Skidel, county Grodno, province Bialystok.

Krzeminski, ... - kpt. KOP, following his capture he was bayoneted a few times then, while lying on the ground in this state, shot twice in the head. (The soldier who recalled this atrocity for us has not been able to remember the exact date or locality.)

Kulbacki, Boleslaw - st. ulan, z 2. szw. 2. P. Ul. Grochowskich, perished 19.09.39 during the battle in the town of Swislocz, county Wolkowysk, province Bialystok.

Kulesza, Kazimierz - kpt. adm., born 4/II/1900, Brygada KOP "Polesie", shot 29/IX/39 in the woods near the town of Mielniki, township Pulmo, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Kuszelewski, Jerzy - kpt. piech., born 12/V/1897, committed suicide 18 or 19/IX/39 on the road from Wilno to the town of Zawiasy by the Lithuanian border, county Wilno-Troki, province Wilno.

Kus, Jan - born 1912, killed in action in 1939 in the town of Miklaszow, where he was buried, county Lwow.

Kus, Konstanty - born 1909, killed in action in 1939 in the town of Miklaszow, where he was buried, county Lwow.

Kwiatkowski, - ppor., killed in action at the end of September 1939 together with an unknown soldier, 6 kilometres from the town of Turze, in the direction of the village of Isaje on the river Styr, county Turka-nad-Stryjem, province Lwow.

Kwincinski (Kwiecinski?), N. - st. bosm., z Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Lepszy, Leonard Zbigniew - mjr. obs. st. sp., born 30/IX/1889, zca komendanta Bazy Lotniczej Nr. 1, killed in action 17/IX/39 near the town of Darachow, county Buczacz, province Tarnopol.

Lesczynski, Aleksander - szer., 49 years old, shot 28/IX/39 together with 15 other soldiers in the town of Tomaszowka near Wlodawy, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Linde, Mieczyslaw - gen. dyw. st. sp., born 1868, died in prison in Lwow (possibly in Kiev). (* Update: The book "Ukrainski Slad Katynia" confirms the murder of gen. Linde at the Katyn killing ground of Kiev.)

Lindel, Jozef - strz., z I baonu "Luzki" 3. PP KOP, killed in action 22/IX/39 in the area of Borowicze-Nawoz-Hruziatyn on the river Styr, county Luck, province Wolyn.

Lissowski, Jozef - ppor. rez., born 19/I/1907, dca plut. marszowego 14. DAK (Kawaleria Oslonowa GO "Wolkowysk" rtm. Wiszowatego), killed in action 20/IX/39, in the town of Skidel, county Grodno, province Bialystok.

Liszewski, Kazimierz - ppor., dca. plut. w szw. marsz. 10. P. Ul. Litewskich (Kawaleria Oslonowa GO "Wolkowysk" rtm. Wiszowatego), killed in action 20/IX/39 in the town of Skidel, county Grodno, province Bialystok.

Ladarew, Pawel - por. kaw., born 22/VI/1903, szw. KOP "Nowe Swieciany", perished after being taken prisoner in September of 1939.

Luczak, Jan - sierz., z 79. PP (Slonim), died of his wounds in September 1939, in the town of Milwiczano, county Kowel, province Wolyn.

Lukasiewicz, Kazimierz III - maj. tab., born 12/II/1894. szef taborow KOP, died of his wounds (possibly of illness?) during the second half of September 1939 at the hospital in Pinsk, province Polesie. He was buried at the Pinsk cemetery.

Lyczkowski, Edward - bomb., born 13/XI/1916, z 12. dak, killed in action 23 (possibly 29)/IX/39. Buried in the town of Kamionka Strumilowa, province Tarnopol.

Lyko, ... - sierz., Zgrupowanie KOP gen. Ruckemanna, shot 28/IX/39 in the vicinity of the town of Szack, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Maciag, Adam - st. sierz. adm., born 13/IV/1902, Baza Lotnicza Nr. 1., killed in action 17/IX/39 near the town of Darachow, county Buczacz, province Tarnopol.

Maciag, Stanislaw - ppor., baon forteczny KOP "Sarny", killed in action 19/IX/39 at the "Tynne" sector fortifications on the river Slucz, county Sarny, province Wolyn. One account has it that he was murdered by the Soviets after surrendering.

Madalinski, Jerzy - por., oficer platnik, Zgrupowanie KOP gen. Ruckemanna, killed in action 28/IX/39 near Szack, county Lubomil, province Wolyn.

Madalinski, Stanislaw - kpt. adm., born 19/X/1895, oficer platnik 57. PP OZ 14. DP, wounded while carrying a flag of truce 26/IX/39 near the town of Maloryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie, died of his wounds in October 1939 at the hospital in Radom.

Magnowski, Tadeusz - ppor., dca II plut. 3. komp. baonu marsz. 48. PP Strzelcow Kresowych, heavily wounded during the disarming of the battalion in Lwow, died of his wounds 22/IX/39 in Lwow.

Maksim, Wladyslaw - ppor. rez. piech., dca IV plut. 4. komp. ckm., baonu fort. KOP "Sarny", pulk KOP "Sarny", killed in action 19/IX/39 at the fort in the "Tynne" sector fortifications on the river Slucz, county Sarny, province Wolyn.

Malicki, Alojzy - sierz. adm., born 1904, szef eskadry szkolnej Szkoly Podoficerow Lotnictwa dla Maloletnich w Krosnie. Killed in action 22/IX/39 during the bombardment of the town of Grodek Jagiellonski, province Lwow. Buried without a marker in a common grave at the cemetery at Grodek Jagiellonski.

Malinski, Edmund Roman - por. piech., born 1/II/1906, dca 4 komp. baonu KOP "Kleck", pulk KOP "Baranowicze", wounded 28/IX/39 near Szack, county Luboml, province Wolyn, died of his wounds 29/IX/39 at the hospital in Chelm, province Lublin.

Maluszynski, Narcyz - kpt. mar., born 10/XI/1902, dca oddzialu gazowo-minowego Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Maniara, ... por., ze 182. PP Rez. 60. DP Rez. "Kobryn", killed in action during the third week of September 1939 in the vicinity of the town of Leszna, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Mankowicz (Mankowski?), Michal - z 85. P. Strz. Wilenskich, killed in action in September 1939 in or near Kowel, province Wolyn.

Marciniewski, Janusz - por. mar., dca ORP "Admiral Sierpinek" Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Marczyniszyn, Karol - 51. or 54. PP Strzelcow Kresowych, killed in action in September 1939 in the town of Brzezany, where he was buried, province Tarnopol.

Markiewicz, Leon - kpt., Zgrupowanie KOP gen. Ruckemanna, perished between 25-30/IX/39 in the area of Kamien Koszyrski - Ratno - Szack on the river Bug.

Maslowski, Witold - rtm. rez., 110. P. Ul. Rez., killed in action in October 1939 in Puszczy Augustowskiej, county Bialystok.

Matuszek, Edward - plut., z komp. "Luzki" pulku "Glebokie" (w skladzie baonu KOP "Kleck"), killed in action 28 or 29/IX/39 in the area of the town of Mielniki, township Pulmo, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

May, Jan Mieczyslaw Adam - kpt. mar., born 21/XII/1907, dca monitora ORP "Warszawa" Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Mayblum, Szymon Jozef - mjr. zand., born 28/VI/1895, dca baonu sztabowego Zgrupowania KOP gen. Ruckemanna, shot 29/IX/39 in the forest near the town of Mielniki, township Pulmo, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Mazur, ... - mar., Flotylli Pinskiej, killed in action 23/IX/39 by fire from Soviet planes, in the town of Nujno, county Kamien Korzyrski, province Polesie. Buried in the local Orthodox cemetery in a common grave together with many other sailors.

Mendel, Zygmunt (Zenon?) - st. mar., z Flotylli Pinskiej, killed in action 25 or 26/IX/39 by Soviet airplane fire, in the area of Kaczyn (county Kamien Koszyrski, province Polesie) - Ratno (county Kowel, province Wolyn).

Mendyka, Roman - st. bosm. bosman okretowy monitora ORP "Admiral Sierpinek" Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Michalski, Stanislaw - por. rez. kaw., oficer OZ 5 P. Ul. Zaslawskich, dolaczyl do GO "Wolkowysk", killed in action 23/IX/39 in the town of Kalety, township Giby, county Suwalki, province Bialystok.

Michalski, Stanislaw - killed in action in September 1939, in the town of Brzezany, where he was buried, province Tarnopol.

Michalski, Wladyslaw - por., 42 years old, z 26. Skierniewickiej DP, died of his wounds 21/IX/39 at the hospital in Wolkowysk, province Bialystok.

Michalowski, Jan - rtm. tab., born 25/V/1895, adiutant gen. bryg. Franciszka Kleeberga, shot 19/IX/39 in the area north of Pinsk, province Polesie.

Miedzinski, Tadeusz - ppor., killed in action 17(?)/IX/39 in the town of Olyka, county Luck, province Wolyn.

Mielnik, Stanislaw - ppor. rez. piech., born 8/V/1902, z baonu k.m. KOP "Osowiec", shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Piszcza, where he was buried, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Mikulinski, Kazimierz Stanislaw - kpt. piech., born 25/II/1891, dca 1. komp. baonu KOP "Dawidgrodek", Brygada KOP "Polesie", killed in action 28/IX/39 in the area of Mielniki - Szack, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Milejski, Julian - born 1915, killed in action during the second half of September 1939 in the town of Dziewieniszki, where he was buried, county Osmiana, province Wilno.

Minkowski, Anatol Witold - pplk. piech. st. sp., born 22/I/1892, sent by headquarters to the commander of the "Korpus Ochotniczego" in Lwow, gen. dyw. Marian Zegoty-Januszajtis, murdered by Ukrainians 17 or 18/IX/39.

Mlynarski, Mieczyslaw Waclaw - por. rez. kaw., born 22/V/1895, dca szw. marsz. 1. P. Ul. Krechowieckich (Kawaleria Oslonowa GO "Wolkowysk" rtm. Wiszowatego), heavily wounded 20/IX/39 in the town of Skidel, county Grodno, province Bialystok, died of his wounds on the same day. Most likely buried in Grodno.

Mnich, Jan - ulan, Kawaleria Dywizyjna 60. DP Rez. "Kobryn" plka Anatola Dworenko-Dworkina, killed in action 19/IX/39 in the town of Nowosiolki, county Kowel, province Bialystok.

Mnichowicz, Edward - pchor. z 80. PP (Zgrupowanie "Drohiczyn Poleski"), murdered 23/IX/39 in the town Synowo, county Kamien Koszyrski, province Polesie.

Modlinski, Edmund - ppor. art., killed in action in September 1939 (most likely 17/IX/39) in the vicinity of Mikulince - Trembowla, province Tarnopol.

Moldrzykowski, Jozef - killed in action 22(27)/IX/39 in the town of Kamionka Strumilowa, province Tarnopol.

Moronczyk, Hieronim - por. piech., dca II plut. w 3. komp. ckm., III baonu "Slobodka", 3. PP KOP, killed in action in the area of Borowicze - Nawoz - Hruziatyn by the Styr river, county Luck, province Wolyn.

Moroz, Jan - kpt. sap., born 16/XI/1904, dca 53. komp. sap. mostow kolejowych, shot 20/IX/39 in Kowel, province Wolyn.

Mozejko, Wladyslaw - scout-volunteer, killed in action 20-21/IX/39 in Grodno, province Bialystok.

Musial, Jozef - ppor. art., born 1914, dca 94. baterii art. plot., killed in action 20/IX/39 in Grodno, province Bialystok.

Nartowicz, Stanislaw - szwol., born 1916, died of his wounds 19/IX/39 at the hospital in Wolkowysk, province Bialystok.

Nekrasz, Wladyslaw - instruktor harcerski, killed in action 18 or 19/IX/39 near Wilno.

NN (unknown) - podkomisarz Policji Panstwowej, zca komendanta powiatowego PP w Lunincu, killed in action 28/IX/39 near Szack, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Nowak, Jozef - plut. KOP, dca straznicy KOP Berezanka near Skala Podolska, county Borszczow, province Tarnopol, killed in action 17/IX/39.

Nowak, Walenty I - kpt. piech., born 16/XII/1893, baon KOP "Ludwikowo", Brygada KOP "Polesie", shot 29/IX/39, in the forest near the town of Mielniki, township Pulmo, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Nowak, ... - ppor., killed in action 19/IX/39 in the town of Tlumacz, where he was buried, province Stanislawow.

Nowicki, Jozef IV - kpt. adm., platnik baonu KOP "Sienkiewicze", Brygada KOP "Polesie", shot 29/IX/39 in the forest near the town of Mielniki, township Pulmo, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Okulewicz, Jozef - por. art., born 1911, oficer ogniowy 3. Baterii 9. dak., killed in action 28/IX/39 in the town of Nizankowice, county Przemysl, province Lwow. (Another account has him killed in action 2/X/39 in the town of Cisna, county Lesko, province Lwow, during the march towards Hungary).

Olszyna-Wilczynski, Jozef - gen. bryg., born 27/XI/1890, dca Okregu Korpusu III "Grodno" and from 13/IX/39 dca Obszaru Warownego "Grodno", shot 22/IX/39 near Sopockin, county Augustow, province Bialystok.

Orlowski, Bronislaw Stefan - kpt., born 3/IX/1897, oficer PW baonu KOP "Sienkiewicze", Brygada KOP "Polesie", shot 29/IX/39 in the forest near the town of Mielniki, township Pulmo, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Ostrouch, Waclaw - por. rez., 47 years old, died of his wounds 6/X/39 at the hospital in Wolkowysk, province Bialystok.

Ostrowski, Mieczyslaw - szer., born 1916, w druzynie meteorologicznej Bazy Lotniczej Nr 5 w Wilnie-Lidzie. Killed in action 18/IX/39 during the evacuations across the Lithuanian border. Buried in the cemetery in Grodno, province Bialystok.

Oszczakiewicz, Franciszek - por., adiutant dcy baonu marsz. 76. Lidzkiego PP z Grodna, mjra Jozefa Balcerzaka, killed in action 19 or 20/IX/39 in the town of Znosicze, county Sarny, province Wolyn.

Otlowski, Franciszek - kpt. piech., born 6/VIII/1899, oficer Brygady KOP "Polesie", dca komp. Policji Panstwowej, following a short battle he was shot, together with the entire company of men, 24/IX/39 in the forest to the south of the town of Kamien Koszyrski, province Polesie.

Palczynski, ... - plut., dca straznicy KOP "Kamienny Woz", Baon KOP "Luzki", killed in action 17/IX/39 during the defence of the outpost (township Prozoroki, county Glebokie, province Wilno).

Pankintski, Grzegorz - killed in action in September 1939 in the town of Brzezany, where he was buried, province Tarnopol.

Paulus, Jan - st. sierz., born 11/V/1901, killed in action 22/IX/39 in the town of Brody, province Tarnopol.

Pawlicki, Marian - military colonist, killed in action 17/IX/39 in the town of Bialozorka, county Krzemieniec, province Wolyn. (Military colonists aided the KOP by patroling border regions).

Pawlowski, Henryk - kpt., z 34. PP (Biala Podlaska), died of his wounds in December 1939 in Wilno.

Pelc, Hubert - sierz., z baonu KOP "Sienkiewicze", Brygada KOP "Polesie", killed in action 29/IX/39 in the town of Mielniki, township Pulmo, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Potocki, Jan - born 1911, died of his wounds 18/IX/39 at the hospital in Tarnopol, buried in Tarnopol.

Piekarski, Antoni - ppor. rez., baon KOP "Budslaw", pulk KOP "Wilejka", killed in action 19/IX/39 in Wilno province, most likely in the area to the north of Wilno.

Pietraszewski, Witold - plut. pchor., z polkompanii czolgow lekkich por. Jozefa Jakubowicza w Grupie "Dubno", killed in action 20/IX/39 in the town of Krasno, county Zloczow, province Tarnopol.

Pietrzak, Franciszek I - kpt. adm., born 22/XI/1897, 1. Pulk Lotn., killed in action 17/IX/39 in the town of Halewo, township Pinkowicze, county Pinsk, province Polesie, buried in Pinsk.

Pietrzak, Stefan Kazimierz - kpr. mech., 1 Pulk Lotn., killed in action 18/IX/39 as a result of the crash of the plane "Los". Buried at the war cemetery in Brezesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Pikul, Zbigniew - szer., elew Szkoly Podoficerow Lotnictwa dla Maloletnich w Krosnie. Killed in action 22/IX/39 during the bombardment of the town of Grodek Jagiellonski, province Lwow.

Pilinkiewicz, Wlodzimierz - rtm., born 5/VII/1902, adiutant 25. P. Ul. Wielkopolskich, murdered by Ukrainians 28/IX/39 in the town of Pnikut, county Mosciska, Province Lwow.

Piotrowski, Boleslaw - born 1917, killed in action in September 1939 in the town of Zarudzie, where he was buried, county Krzemieniec, province Wolyn.

Piotrowski, Jozef - strz., died of his wounds in September 1939 at the railway hospital in Wilno.

Piotrowski, Karol - killed in action in September 1939 in the town of Brzezany, where he was buried, province Tarnopol.

Piszczek, ... - driver of armoured train Nr 51 "Bartosz Glowacki", killed in action 22/IX/39 in the town of Poworsk, county Kowel, province Wolyn.

Pitkowicz (Pilkowicz?), Jan - por., z 70. PP (Pleszew), died of his wounds in 1939 at Wilno.

Plachta, Wladyslaw - z 51. PP Strzelcow Kresowych, killed in action in September 1939, buried in the town of Brzezany, province Tarnopol.

Plawski, Adam - ppor. rez., dca 1. komp. I Baonu Obrony Grodna, killed in action 21/IX/39 in Grodno, province Bialystok.

Polonski, Witold - por. piech., dca 3. komp. baonu KOP "Luzki", pulk KOP "Glebokie", killed in action 17/IX/39 in the town of Leonpol on the Dzwina river, county Braslaw, province Wilno.

Poniatowski, Andrej Tadeusz - ppor. kaw., born 27/VII/1917, dca III plut. 1, szw. 7. P. Ul. Lubelskich, killed in action 29/IX/39 in the area of Sambor, province Lwow.

Poplawski, Ignacy Franciszek - ppor. rez. kaw., born 17/X/1909, dca II plut. w szw. ckm 27 P. Ul. im. Krola Stefana Batorego, killed in action 27/IX/39 in the area of Wola Sudkowska - Wladypol, county Sambor, province Lwow.

Prusakiewicz, Ignacy - ppor. rez. kaw., born 24/II/1913, dca plutonu szw. sztabowego Nowogrodzkiej BK, killed in action 27/IX/39 in the area of Wola Sudkowska - Wladypol, county Sambor, province Lwow.

Pruszynski, Jan - ppor. KOP, baon KOP "Berezne". On the 17th of September 1939, together with two other unknown Polish soldiers, he made his way from the KOP outpost "Zochna", county Kostopol, province Wolyn, over to the Soviet side, under a white flag of truce, to inquire of the Soviets as to their intentions in crossing the Polish-Soviet border. The three Polish soldiers never made it back to the outpost and went missing.

Radwan-Janowicz, Jerzy - wchm. pchor. rez., z 2 szw. 101. P. Ul. Rez., killed in action 21/IX/39 in Grodno, province Bialystok.

Radziejewski, Roman - st. bosm., kierownik radiostacji monitora ORP "Admiral Sierpinek" Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Reppel, Witold Marian Felicjan - ppor. rez. kaw., born 10/V/1916, dca III plut. 4. szw. 26. P. Ul. Wielkopolskich, killed in action 27/IX/39 in the area of Wola Sudkowska - Wladypol, county Sambor, province Lwow.

Rekas, Jan - szer., elew Szkoly Podoficerow Lotnictwa dla Maloletnich w Krosnie. Killed in action 22/IX/39 during the bombardment of Grodek Jagiellonski, province Lwow.

Robak, Piotr - z 51. or 54. PP Strzelcow Kresowych, killed in action in September 1939, buried in the area of Brzezany - Tarnopol - Zloczow, province Tarnopol.

Rogalski, Wojciech - tyt. gen. dyw. st. sp., born 10/IV/1868, murdered in 1940 in Lwow.

Rogowski, ... - ppor. z 4. PAC (OZ Artylerii Lekkiej Nr 9), killed in action 25/IX/39 in the town of Maloryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Romanowski, Kazimierz - kpt., murdered 22/IX/39 by Ukrainian partisans near the town of Rawa Ruska, province Lwow.

Rosikon, ... - strzelec, killed in action 20 or 21/IX/39 in Grodno by 37 Brygidzkiej Street.

Roszkiewicz, Mieczyslaw Antoni - kpt. piech., born 27/X/1900, dca pozostalosci baonu KOP "Snow", pulk KOP "Baranowicze", killed in action 19/IX/39 in the town of Snow, county Nieswiez, province Nowogrodek.

Roth, Ewald Franciszek - born 1/X/1905, z 2. P. Ul. Grochowskich, killed in action 19/IX/39, in the town of Brzezany, where he was buried, province Tarnopol.

Rozanski, ... - kpt. z KOP, killed in action 29/IX/39, in the town of Piszcza, county Luboml, province Wolyn. This may be the same person as kpt. Adam II Rozanski z OZ 30. Poleskiej DP, who later became I adiutantem 184. PP Rez. w 60. DP Rez. "Kobryn". The 1st battalion of the 184th Reserve Infantry Regiment engaged in a battle with a unit of the Red Army at Piszcza on the 26th of September 1939.

Roznowski, Edward - kpt., z 21. Warszawskiego PP, killed in action in September 1939 in the town of Tomaszowka near Wlodawy, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie. (According to colonel L. Glowacki, s. 255, on 27/IX/39, an officer of II battalion, 84th Infantry Regiment - after reorganization the 184th Reserve Infantry Regiment - was killed in a battle against Soviet tanks in Tomaszowka).

Rycharski, Stefan - kpt., born 23/XI/1915, z 211. eskadry bombowej "Losi". Perished 17/IX/39 following an accident on the ground during the evacuation of the aerial fleet from the airport at Gwozdziec Stary, county Kolomyja, province Stanislawow.

Rydzewski, ... - por., dow. 5 kompanii w III Baonie 3 Pulku Piechoty KOP, killed in action.

Rudkowski, Piotr - killed in action 19/IX/39 in the area of Wilno.

Rutynski, Boguslaw - kpt. art., born 20/IX/1900, oficer dowodztwa artylerii Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Sadowski, Waclaw - por. piech., born 25/XII/1906, oficer lacznosci 8 PP Leg., killed in action 8 or 10/X/39 in the town of Roztoka, county Stryj, while attempting to cross the border. Buried in Roztoka, province Stanislawow.

Sajko (Saiko?), Julian - strz., born 1912, died of his wounds 24/IX/39 at the hospital in Wolkowysk, province Bialystok.

Salwinski, Wincenty - kpr., born 1914, commander of the guard of Marshal Jozef Pilsudski's heart in the Rossa cemetery in Wilno. Killed in action at his post by the grave 19/IX/39 together with two other soldiers . He was buried next to the grave holding the Marshal's heart.

Sander, ... - podofic., killed in action 18/IX/39 during the defence of the Dniestr river crossing at Halicz. Buried at Halicz, county Stanislawow, province Stanislawow.

Sas, Jakub - killed in action in September 1939, buried in the area of Brzezany - Tarnopol - Zloczow, province Tarnopol.

Sawicki, Waclaw - strz., killed in action 19/IX/39 at his post by the grave containing Marshal Pilsudski's heart in Wilno; buried beside it.

Sawicki, ... - st. ulan, szw. KOP "Krasnie", killed in action 17/IX/39 together with another unkown ulan near Plebania, county Molodeczno, province Wilno.

Sasiadek, Kazimierz - sierz., born 8/II/1914, z 12. PP (Wadowice), killed in action in September 1939 in the area of Brzezany - Tarnopol - Zloczow, province Tarnopol.

Schwarz, ... - nadkomisarz Policji Panstwowej we Lwowie, murdered together with a number of fellow policemen by the NKWD following the entry of the Red Army into the city in September 1939.

Sieczkowski, Waclaw Aleksander - ppor. rez., inz., born 27/III/1911, oficer ordynansowy 103. P. Szw. Rez., killed in action 23/IX/39 in the area of the town of Kalety, township Giby, county Suwalki, province Bialystok.

Sielicki, Adam - pplk. art. st. sp., born 28/X/1884, byl dca 14. dak, killed in action in a fight with a unit of NKWD at the osada on lake Narocz, county Oszmiana, province Wilno.

Sierkuczewski, Mieczyslaw - kmdr ppor., born 13/II/1895, dca II dywizjonu Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Sikora, Jozef - mjr piech., dca III baonu 33. P. Strz. Kurpiowskich, killed in October 1939 by Soviet soldiers during an attempt to cross the Rumanian border. Some years after his death he was awarded the Gold Cross Virtuti Militari for his heroic defence of Nowogrodek Lomzynski in September 1939.

Skowron, ... - strz., shot 18/IX/39 in Tarnopol.

Skrzynecki, Marian - pplk kaw., born 9/XI/1891, dca 7. P. Ul. Lubelskich, heavily wounded 27/IX/39 in the town of Krukienice, died of his wounds at the hospital in Mosciska, province Lwow, 3/X/39. Buried at the local Parish cemetery. Post-humously advanced to the rank of Colonel.

Skwarczynski, Jan - shot 20/IX/39, buried in Kowel, province Wolyn.

Smolinski, Wiktor Edward - rtm., born 13/X/1891, z komendy placu w Pruzanie, killed in action 19/IX/39 on the road near Janow Poleskie. Most likely buried at the cemetery in Pinsk, province Polesie.

Smurzynski, Stanislaw - kpr., born 2/I/1918, z 51. or 54. PP Strzelcow Kresowych, killed in action in September 1939 in the area of Brzezany - Tarnopol - Zloczow, province Tarnopol.

Sochacki, Eugeniusz - por. sap., 2. P. Sap. Kaniowskich, killed in action 17/IX/39 near the town of Sarny, province Wolyn.

Sokolowski, ... - ppor., killed in action in the town of Lesniki, county Zborow, province Tarnopol.

Soltanowicz, Julian - strz., born 1912, died of his wounds 23/IX/39 at the hospital in Wolkowysk, province Bialystok.

Spychalski, ... - sierz. pchor., z III baonu "Slobodka" 3. PP KOP, perished 21 or 22/IX/39 near the town of Nawoz on the river Styr, county Luck, province Wolyn.

Stabinski, Jozef - podoficer Strazy Granicznej, killed in action 22/IX/39 near the town of Sopockinie, county Augustow, province Bialystok.

Stachlewski, Bohdan Kazimierz - pplk. kaw., born 27/VIII/1892, dca 25. P. Ul. Wielkopolskich, murdered by Ukrainians 28/IX/39, in the town of Pnikut, county Mosciska, province Lwow.

Stacyrewicz, Piotr - strz., killed in action 19/IX/39 at his post guarding the burial place of the heart of Marshal Pilsudksi in Wilno. He was buried next to this grave.

Staszewski, Wladyslaw - por., died of his wounds in 1939 at the hospital in Wilno. (This may one of two persons: por. piech. Wladyslaw Staszewski, born 18/IX/1904 or por. art. Wladyslaw Julian Staszewski, born 3/I/1907).

Stefanowicz, Czeslaw - ppor., z 78 PP (Baranowicze), shot in 1940 by the NKWD in Nowogrodek.

Stopnicki, Jan - kpt., z baonu KOP "Dawidgrodek", Brygada KOP "Polesie", killed in action 28/IX/39 in the area of Mielniki - Szack, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Strokowski, Aleksander - por. br. panc., born 15/VI/1910, dca szw. samochodow panc. 32. dyonu panc. Podlaskiej BK, shot 17/IV/40 during an attempt at escape from a camp in the town of Kalwaria in Lithuania.

Strzemeski, Mieczyslaw Stanislaw - kpt. art. st. sp., born 1/XII/1894, adiutant dcy OK III "Grodno", shot 22/IX/39 near Sopockin, county Augustow, province Biaylstok.

Sulikowski, Karol - ppor. rez. kaw., szw. marsz. 3. P. Szw., perished following capture in September 1939 in the area of Kowel, province Wolyn.

Sulimirski, Tadeusz - gen. bryg. st. sp., born 1866, died in 1940 in prison at Lwow.

Supinski, ... - sap., z 65. komp. saperow ze Zgrupowania "Drohiczyn Poleski", killed in action 22/IX/39 in the town of Lachwicze, county Kamien Koszyrski, province Polesie.

Sutkowski, Antoni - por. kaw., z OZ Wilenskiej BK, taken prisoner 21/IX/39 in the town of Niemenczyn, county Wilno-Troki, shot towards the end of September 1939 by the NKWD in Wilno.

Szajkowski (Sajkowski?), Henryk - kpr., z V dywizjonu 20. PAL w skladzie 60. DP Rez. "Kobryn", killed in action 19 or 20/IX/39 (possibly 23/IX/39) in the town of Kamien Koszyrski, province Polesie.

Szalewicz, Marian - rtm., born 15/VIII/1899, dca 1 szw. "Budslaw" w 1. P. Kaw. KOP "Rokitno". Taken prisoner 2/X/39 in the town of Bukowa, county Bilgoraj, province Lublin, shot while in a convoy headed east (he never arrived at the temporary camp in the town of Frydrychowka on the river Zbrucz).

Szefer, Ludwik - chor. mar., z Warsztatow Plywajacych Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Szpakowski, Witold - ppor. rez., komp. szturm. z OZ 19. Wilenskiej DP w Grupie pplka Zygmunta Blumskiego, killed in action 21/IX/39 in Grodno, province Bialystok.

Szubert, Stanislaw - z 51. or 54. PP Strzelcow Kresowych, killed in action in September 1939 in the area of Brzezany - Tarnopol - Zloczow, province Tarnopol.

Szurlej, ... - kpr. zaw., killed in action near Szack.

Szwarc, Waclaw - st. bosm., szef kancelarii sztabu Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Szwarc, Zdzislaw - plut. pchor. rez. pil., born 2/III/1913, z eskadry zapasowej 3 P. Lotn. Heavily wounded 17/IX/39 during a landing at a field airport in the town of Mikulince, died a few hours later. Buried in an unmarked grave at the cemetery in Mikulince, county Tarnopol.

Szydelko, ... - kpr., dca straznicy KOP "Molotkow", baon KOP "Dederkaly", killed in action 17/IX/39 together with a group of soldiers defending the outpost until their ammunition ran out. (Molotkow, township Bialozorka, county Krzemieniec, province Wolyn).

Szymanowski, Wladyslaw - por. techn., born 21/VI/1903, z bazy Lotniczej Nr 3. Leading a patrol 17/IX/39 his unit came upon a Soviet detachment in the forest of Czarny Las between Zbaraz and Wisniowiec. Perished at an unknown location. Buried at the cemetery in Wisniowec, county Krzemieniec, province Wolyn.

Szymonski, Jozef - plut. pchor. rez. pil., z eksadry zapasowej 5. P. Lotn. at the airport Porubanek. Headed out 17/IX/39 in the plane R-XIII/D "Lublin" with the intention of flying in to Czerniowiec however the plane crashed into the radio station's antenna in Wilno. The pilot perished and was buried in the cemetery in Lida, province Nowogrodek.

Szyszllo, Radoslaw - kpt. piech., born 1/VIII/1896, dca grupy taborow. Wounded, he perished in September 1939 at the hospital in Kowel, province Wolyn.

Scislowski, Apoloniusz - rtm., born 7/VII/1900, dca szw. ckm 101. P. Ul. Rez., killed in action 22/IX/39 near the town of Kodziowiec, county Augustow, province Bialystok (nearest cemetery by the town of Sylwanowiec).

Swiatopelk-Czetwertynski, Andrzej Marian Rafal - ppor. rez. kaw., born 16/IX/1911. Murdered 20/IX/39 in the town of Skidel, county Grodno, province Bialystok.

Swietochowski, Jan - kpt. piech., born 3/XII/1901, z Brygady KOP "Grodno", killed in action 20/IX/39 near Krzemieniec. Buried at the cemetery in Krzemieniec, province Wolyn.

Tallerman, Jozef - ppor. rez. art., born 17/VII/1893, ze 134. bat. art. plot., killed in action 17/IX/39 in the town of Wisniowiec, county Krzemieniec, province Wolyn.

Tatar, Stanislaw - plut. pchor. rez. pil., killed in action at an unknown location 17/IX/39 in the area of Wilno.

Tolpa, Franciszek - mjr. adm., born 2/X/1894, killed in action 20/IX/39 in Kowel, where he was buried, province Wolyn.

Tomaszewski, Jacek - mjr. piech., born 18/X/1895, dca baonu KOP "Dawidgrodek", Brygada KOP "Polesie", heavily wounded on the evening of 28/IX/39 in the vicinity of Mielniki - Szack, county Luboml, province Wolyn, finished off by the enemy on the battle-field.

Tomaszewski, Julian - st. bosm., kapelmistrz orkiestry Flotylli Pinskiej, shot 26/IX/39 in the town of Mokrany, township Wielkoryta, county Brzesc-nad Bugiem, province Polesie.

Tomulewicz, ... - ulan, z 2. szw. 2. P. Ul. Grochowskich, perished 19/IX/39 during the battle in the town of Swislocz, county Wolkowysk, province Bialystok.

Trzeszczkowski, Jan Boleslaw - por. piech., born 17/VI/1906, dca 5. komp. odwodowej baonu KOP "Sejny", killed in action 22/IX/39 near the town of Sopockinie, county Augustow, province Bialystok (he was run over by a tank after having been wounded).

Urbanowski, Jerzy Aleksander - ppor. rez. kaw., inz., born 5/XI/1906, dca plut. zwiadu konnego 23. Luckiego PP, perished in September 1939 in the town of Wlodzimierz Wolynski, province Wolyn.

Wantowski, Alfons Bronislaw - kpt., born 4/IX/1892, oficer materialowy baonu KOP "Sienkiewicze", Brygada KOP "Polesie", shot 29/IX/39 in the forest near the town of Mielniki, township Pulmo, county Luboml, province Wolyn.

Warwas, ... - kpr., Kawaleria Oslonowa GO "Wolkowysk" rtm. Wiszowatego, killed in action 21/IX/39 in Grodno, province Bialystok.

Wasilewski, ... - ppor., z 3. baonu lacznosci, killed in action 17/IX/39 near the town of Czortkow, province Tarnopol.

Weigt, Juliusz - killed in action 18/IX/39 in the suburb of Rowno Sosenki, province Wolyn.

Wielowieyski, Janusz - ppor. rez. kaw., born 17/VII/1897, senator Rzeczypospolitej z okregu Nowogrodek, shot 29/IX/39 in the town of Tomaszowka near Wlodawa, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie. Buried in a common grave at the war cemetery in Wlodawa.

Wilczak, Marian - kpr., dca straznicy z baonu KOP "Podswile", killed in action 17/IX/39.

Wisniewski, Jan - ppor. rez., born 1904, absolwent harvardu, baon KOP "Kleck", pulk KOP "Baranowicze". Perished after his capture in September 1939.

Wisniewski, Mieczyslaw - strz., killed in action 21/IX/39 in the town of Horochow, province Wolyn.

Witkowski, Waclaw - por. kaw., dca I plut. 4. szw. 25. P. Ul. Wielkopolskich, murdered by Ukrainians 28/IX/39 in the town of of Pnikut, county Mosciska, province Lwow.

Wlodarz, Wladyslaw Stanislaw - ppor., dca plut. sztabowego 182. PP Rez. 60. DP Rez., "Kobryn", shot 19/IX/39 in the town of Kamien Koszyrski, province Polesie.

Wojtania, Wladyslaw - por. piech., z I baonu "Luzki", 3 PP KOP, killed in action 22/IX/39 in the area of Borowicze - Nawoz - Hruziatyn on the Styr river, county Luck, province Wolyn.

Woroniecki, Konstanty Antoni - por. rez. kaw., born 11/III/1900, dca szw. marsz. 22. P. Ul. Podkarpackich, murdered towards the end of September 1939 in the area of Lwow.

Wojcicki, Stanislaw - ppor. rez. kaw., dca I plut. 1. szw. 101. P. Ul. Rez., killed in action 22/IX/39 near the town of Kodziowiec, county Augustow, province Bialystok (nearest cemetery by the town of Sylwanowiec).

Wrobel, Tomasz - ppor. rez., z oddzialu rozpoznawczego 78. Baranowickiego PP (komp."Koziki" Zgrupowania "Jasiodla"), killed in action 21/IX/39 in the town of Horodec, county Kobryn, province Polesie.

Wroblewski, Aleksander - kpr., z 2. szw. 2. P. Ul. Grochowskich, perished 19/IX/39 during the battle in the town of Swislocz, county Wolkowysk, province Bialystok.

Zabielak, ... - gajowy (gamekeeper), shot 1/X/39 in the town of Radycz, county Turka on the river Styr, province Lwow (for aiding the officers and men of General Wladyslaw Anders' headquarters).

Zacharczuk, Michal - z 51. or 54. PP Strzelcow Kresowych, killed in action September 1939 in the area of Brzezany - Tarnopol - Zloczow, province Tarnopol.

Zakrzewski, ... - pchor., z 4. PAC (OZ Artylerii Lekkiej Nr 9), killed in action 25/IX/39 in the town of Maloryta, county Brzesc-nad-Bugiem, province Polesie.

Zapart, Konstanty - z 51. or 54. PP Strzelcow Kresowych, killed in action September 1939 in the area of Brzezany - Tarnopol - Zloczow, province Tarnopol.

Zatorski, Stanislaw Boguslaw - ppor. rez. pil., born 1/III/1915, z 113. eskadry mysliwskiej Brygady Poscigowej, shot 17/IX/39 near the town of Rokitno, county Sarny, province Wolyn.

Zenob, Jos - killed in action September 1939 in the area of Brzezany - Tarnopol, province Tarnopol.

Zielonka, Waclaw - killed in action September 1939, buried in the town of Kamionka Strumilowa, province Tarnopol.

Zimmerman, Zygmunt - strz., z baonu KOP "Borszczow", pulk KOP "Polesie", killed in action 17/IX/39 in the town of Jagielnica Stara, county Czortkow, province Tarnopol.

Zabowski, Roman - z 1. P. Lotn., killed in action 17(?)/IX/39 in the town of Halewo, township Pinkowicze, county Pinsk, province Polesie. Buried in Pinsk.

Zarnocki, Lucjan - szer, z 1. P. Lotn., killed in action 17(?)/IX/39 in the town of Halewo, township Pinkowicze, county Pinsk, province Polesie. Buried in Pinsk.

Zolnowski, Mieczyslaw - st. sierz., shot 18/IX/39 on Kopernika St. in Tarnopol.

Zuk, ... - ppor. z dyonu pociagow pancernych (armoured trains), killed in action 18/IX/39 in the town of Rohatyn, province Stanislawow (or possibly in the town of Rohaczyn-Miasto, county Brzezany, province Tarnopol).

Zukowski, Stanislaw II - mjr. kaw., born 18/VII/1896, dca 101. P. Ul. Rez., heavily wounded 22/IX/39 near the town of Kodziowce, county Augustow, province Bialystok, died of his wounds at the camp in the town of Olita in Lithuania. Buried in the military cemetery in Olita.

Zurek, ... - sap., z 65. komp. saperow ze Zgrupowania "Drohiczyn Poleski", killed in action 22/IX/39 in the town of Lachwicze, county Kamien Koszyrski, province Polesie.

Zylinski, Pawel - kpt. piech., born 29/VIII/1893, shot 20/IX/39 in the town of Stadnia, township Bortkow. Buried in the town of Rozdoly (?), township Bortkow, county Zloczow, province Tarnopol.

Józef Pławski- członek Lubuskiego Towarzystwa Genealogicznego



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